Day 3 City of Brotherly Love—Philadelphia.
Super early start to the day. Wake up at 5:15 am. Run at 4:30. Still no boys showing up for optional exercise. I don’t blame them. We are working them hard. They are all responding well to the high level of touring.
First morning bus loading was a disaster with a room still asleep at departure time.
Second morning---Huge success! Everyone punctual. We even counted off without any delays for the first time! Told the boys I had goosebumps. We left at least 5-10 min prior to the next departing bus. Progress!!!
Leave to arrive in Historic Philadelphia.
Met our tour guide Sally….cute older lady dressed in colonial costume.
The birthplace of America is Philadelphia, the city where the founding fathers lived and the Declaration of Independence was signed. Today that history echoes in the original buildings and museums of the area often called "Historic Philadelphia." Lacking defined boundaries, Historic Philadelphia covers parts of the Old City and Center City neighborhoods and includes the Independence National Historic Park.
Liberty Bell……Stood in a long line to see the famous Liberty Bell. Held as a symbol of freedom both in Philadelphia and across America, the cracked bell is on display along with information about the bell's history and its significance to America. Interesting how such a relatively insignificant item became such a symbol and icon of our country! Was a symbol for Equal rights during the history of the US. Took pictures.
Went to Franklin Court….This is where Ben Franklin lived. A genius! How successful this man became. Toured his printing shop. This is how he became wealthy.
Even though we are out of the busy metropolis of New York its still a challenge to keep all boys focused at all times. I feel at times like a sheep dog. Running around and bringing in stray sheep at the same time that the other side of the group falls apart. I then run around to the other side and allow the first side to fall apart. Funny metaphor.
Went to Elfreth’s Alley….The oldest residential street in America, this small Old City street several historic houses, many of which still serve as private residences. Amazaing how old some of those houses are.
Christ Church & Christ Church Burial Ground
Founded in 1695, Christ Church is both where many of America's leaders worshiped and where many of them are buried. …Had a great tour guide who pointed out the pews occupied by famous men such as George Washington and John Adams….Took pictures of us sitting in pew #54?—G. Washington. This bldg. was the tallest bldg. in America for 56 years. Interesting.
Walked by the Betsy Ross House and Cemetery where Ben Franklin was buried.
Went to Congress bldg. including the house of rep room below and the senate room upstairs. Had a good chat with the National Park tour guide about the use of the term “constitutional”. Great tour guides.
Definitely the highlight was Independence Hall. One of the most significant buldings in US history! Most strinking to me was the incredible spirit felt inside that room. those men were inspired! Curious to feel similar to how I feel leaving the temple. I was overwhelmed with what I felt there today. What an icredible experience. Wish I could peer back into time and actually see some of the discussions that took place in there. Treason, Putting beliefs first even if it cost lives. Courage. Valor. Wisdom. Learning. Succssful men debating freedoms and liberty. Tried to feel what Ben Franklin felt when he gazed upon the sun on G Washingtons chair and wondered if it was a rising son or a setting sun.
Loaded onto the bus and headed to Valley Forge. This is where Washington needed a miracle to turn around morale in his troops. Understood that he was an incredible leader. We also talked about how he was a man of God and used prayer as a powerful tool in his life.
Wonderful presentation by a volunteer discussing the conditions of Valley Forge, Low spirits and morale, cold, wet freeqing, bleeding feet, hungry. This is where soldiers were trained and taught. Much preparations made for further fighting in the spring. Discussed how we all need to regroup and prepare in our own lives especially when times are tough.
Each time we visit a site prior or after we have discussed the pertinence and significance in our own personal lives.
Today we had bus presentations. All of them are outstanding! Adler (Philadelphia), Caleb (Liberty Bell), Jeremy (Us Mint), Sam (Rocky Balboa), Austin (Valley Forge),
Tanner Vincent did an notable excellent presentation using a power point DVD! Wow.
Saw the video in the visitors center.
Hopped on the bus and headed to Amish Country.
Amish presentation by Ryan Giles. Impressed that most of the young men really understand what they present during these informational events on the bus. Boys seem to listen to their peers. We always have question/answer after each presentation and a lot of times this ends up as a quiz session with food for prizes.
Ate at Amish Restaurant Plain and Fancy. Holy Schmoley that was a lot of food. Fried Chicken, Roast Beef, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, corn, sausage, noodles, homemade chicken noodle soup. and much more all served family style. Boys are like vultures when it comes to feeding times. Loved the shoefly pie for dessert…yum (Amish pie made out of molasses)
Back home to a nice hotel Hotels have been nice.
Had Preach my Gospel and family prayer. in my assigned patrol Jake Kahler did an amazing job. I am actually amazed at ALL the younger boys in the group. I was a little concerned about them before the trip but is now turning out that they are the most obedient, precise, teachable, punctual.
Love the boys and as I get to know each and every one of them. Realizing more and more that these are part of the chosen generation that we always talk about. Incredible souls that will eventually affect the lives of many!!! I am reminded of this constantly as I interact with them.
Boys are doing very well with troop rules. Way better than I thought they would. Most of them have purchased hats of all different types and styles. They want to wear them when we are out and about but are humble as we have told them to not wear them. Its so nice that they don’t have cell phones. Good to see teenagers interacting with each other instead of having their heads buried in cell phones. They are also doing well with the NO TV rule as well. I have had ZERO complaints about them having to wear their scout uniforms 24/7.
Thank you for this post.. I have to admit that I am emotional reading about his devotional. I am humbled to be Jake's mom and grateful that he had this opportunity to grow and mature, physically and spiritually. Thank you!